Link: NSS Activities 2023-2024
NSS activities in the session 2022-23
- Children Day Celebration
- A Visit to Old Age Home
- One day Cleanliness Program
- NSS 7 days Camp
- Blood Donation Camp
- Communal Harmony Campaign week
- Independance Day
- Free Legal Aid
- Pooshan Mah
- Parali Awareness
- Women Helpline Desk
- One Day Trip to Kurukshetra
- Tree Plantation
- Yoga Day
- Youth Leadership Training Program
- Azadi Ka Mahotsav
- National Pulse Polio Drops Program
- Communal Harmony Campaign week
- Yoga day
- Awareness Seminar on Women Helpline desk
- Azadi Ka Mahotsav(Rally on 75th Independance Day)
- Free Legal Aid Awareness
- Independance day
- Poshan Mah
- Women Helpline Desk
NSS activities in the session 2021-2022
- One Day Yoga Camp
- Women Health and Menstrual Hygiene Workshop
- Swachta hi Sewa
- Election Duty
- Lecture on Women Safety
- International Women's Day
- Extension Lecture
- A lecture on Woman safety
- Career Guidance program
- One day Camp, Sawachta hi seva
- Online Yoga camp
NSS activities in the session 2020-2021
NSS activities in the session 2019-2020
- Swachta hi Seva
- Gandhi Jyanti Celebration
- 'Say no to plastic' Campaign
- International Women's Day
- Signature Campaign 'Say No to Plastic'
- Tree Plantation
- Mask awareness Programme
- International Yoga Day
- International yoga day
- National Education Day
NSS activities in the session 2018-19